Everybody - We all do! God says there is none righteous – no not one. God speaking through the Apostle Paul says, I know that in my flesh is no good thing. We need saving because we are all sinners from birth. Just one sin is cause for God’s Judgment. And we have innumerable sins! Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and have fallen short of God’s standard.
We need to pay for our sins - to make it right. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do, because it takes purity and unspotted holiness to pay for or die for our sins. God says, the one who sins shall surely die. We’re all under the death penalty. That death penalty for sin is Hell for all eternity!
That’s why God sent Jesus, His Son, to come to Earth. His only reason for coming was to redeem us, or pay for our sin, so we can have everlasting life with Him in Heaven!