A Testimony of Love and Protection


Dear reader,

Before I formed you in the womb, I met you ... Jeremiah 1: 5

Since I was a girl, 8 or 9 years old, I always had dreams that were very unusual for me, because I did not understand them and knew almost nothing about God. Because of my parents I knew that he was someone powerful who existed somewhere, plus my mother, talked about him from time to time.

They taught me that I should pray to the saints, to images made by men, that are normally inside Catholic churches and that I should memorize the Creed, Hail Mary, the Our Father and go to processions once a year because they walked the saint, the so called El Cristo Negro de Portobelo. My mother was devoted to him and had made a vow for my health, because once I was very ill in the hospital so she asked this saint for me to be healed and according to her I was healed.

After that, when I was between the age of 11 and 18, it happened that I suffered constant pains in my belly when I was on my cycle, nothing calmed those pains, I took all the pills I had, I took all kinds of home remedies, sometimes it was hot milk, cinnamon tea, putting your feet in hot water, putting warm cloths on your belly and everything you could imagine and more. I had to leave school, because I would pass out and stain all my clothes and there came a time when I hated with all my heart being a woman. The same thing would happen to me in the house, that I passed out, everything in my mind became dark and then, when I woke up there was only my mother’s question, asking me: what happened to you daughter? You were scrubbing and you knocked all the dishes and knives to the floor and you did not response. When I had those horrible pains in my belly, I would squirm, I would feel like something moved inside me and it would squeeze my body and the pain was indescribable. As I said before, that stage in my life, it was very long.

But for a whole week it happened, that every time I fell asleep, I had the same dream, I would stop sleeping, I would go to the living room of the apartment where I lived and there was a character all dressed in white and hooded. He would grab me and he would lift me up so high, almost hitting me against the ceiling, I screamed and screamed, I saw my parents asleep on their beds and one of my nephews that my mother took care of (one of her grandsons) and nobody heard me, and in reality I didn't even want to sleep at night. After that, I could finally see the face of that character, during a fight that I had in one of my dreams. I pulled the hood off his face and I could see the whitest white color that I have not yet seen in this world. He was a man with light eyes, a profiled nose and very perfect teeth, but he laughed and that laugh was so malicious that I felt the greatest fear I have ever felt in my life and screamed even more, until finally in the dream, I threw down a ceramic piece that was on the table in the living room, then my parents got up and the character disappeared, he left .

Then I heard a voice that told me: "That was death that came looking for you, but do not fear because I am with you."

I remember getting up from that dream very fearful but at the same time, something had given me peace. I told my mom about the dream and she did not know how to tell me or interpret what was happening, she just asked me over and over again who was the man who had spoken to me, if I knew him. And there was no answer, because I had not seen anyone, I had only heard his voice.

I had lived all those years with a curse of witchcraft put on me by one of my brother’s girlfriends, as a child because I stopped talking to her and she understood that I had said something meant for my brother about her and that's why he had fought with her ... that woman and her witchcraft locked me up for a long time, but God took that away from me, now I know, he saved me from death.

And that was the first time I heard the voice of God ...

God cares for us, no matter what satan wants to do with you,

Jehovah will raise the flag of victory and you will be free to glorify him!!

Julisa J - Panama