Throughout my life, God has shown me abundant patience, mercy and love. I only came to recognise this when I was 18 years old. I was not raised in the church and I did not have my own personal faith growing up. During my teenage years, I grew hostile towards Christianity, but I was also curious and searching for meaning in life. This led me to discuss religion with my close friend and I then began doing my own online research into Christianity. A couple of years prior to that moment, I had developed an eating disorder that was consuming my life. Honestly, if God hadn’t saved me, I’m not convinced I would still be here. Whilst striving for perfection and control, I was travelling down a path that led only to emptiness and death. I was living in vain and disobeying God by not submitting to Him. I remember the misery I experienced during that time as the temporal comforts and joys of this world failed to overcome the darkness I was drowning in. Yet, in God's great love and mercy, He redeemed my life as I began to understand and accept the Gospel message. For the first couple of months, I thought I could simply add Christ to my life without changing much else. However, after studying the Bible, spending time with God and joining a Christ-centred Church, I began to love God and the good commands He has given us. By His grace, I have since recovered significantly from the eating disorder. I still struggle with the thought processes at times, but I am so far from who I once was. I now see that life is so much more than my outward appearance. When I feel that a situation is out of my control, I can now depend on God and trust that He is always with me. I have come to be thankful for that dark time in my life because it is when I hit rock bottom that I sought His face and witnessed His power. So where am I now? I have been sharing God's Word on social media for the past two years and I have witnessed His power working through so many other believers. I am so far from being perfect and I have much learning and growing to do. It is only by His grace that I am even here and I now know that the only way to overcome both darkness and sin is to be born again through faith in God's Son, Jesus Christ. He is good, and deserves all praise, glory and honour.

A. Gray - Scotland